International Society for the Study of Information – IS4SI

is4si 2017 Gothenburg summit


President: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

President Elect: Terrence Deacon, Berkeley University, USA

Immediate Past President: Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Vice-President for Protocol: Pedro C. Marijuán, Aragon Health Sciences Institute, Spain

Vice-President for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity: Joseph Brenner, Switzerland

Vice-President for Institutional Membership: Xueshan Yan, Peking University, China

Vice-President for Special Interest Groups: Peter Fleissner, Em. Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Vice-President for Regional Chapters: Tadashi Takenouchi, Tokai University, Japan

Vice-President for Archives: Kun Wu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Vice-President for Research: Søren Brier, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Vice-President for Educational Affairs: Yagmur Denizhan, Bogazici University, Turkey

Vice-President for Conferences: Luis Emilio Bruni, Aalborg University, Denmark

Vice-President for Communication: José María Díaz Nafría, University of León, Spain

Vice-President for Funds: Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Vice-President for Publications: Mark Burgin, University of California, Los Angeles, USA


The International Society for Information Studies is an umbrella organisation of scientists, other scholars, research institutions, practitioners and society at large worldwide dedicated to transdisciplinary global study of information for the good of humanity, through the dialog between disciplines and respect for the complementary views on its complex problems.


Information studies adress information processes in natural, social and artificial systems including explanation, critical evaluation, modelling and the design of those processes. Among others, the following research fields are part of Information Studies:

  • Cross-disciplinary approaches to information from system-theoretical, cybernetic, evolutionary, network or complexity perspectives
  • Philosophical approaches from Philosophy of Information, Information Ethics, informational approaches to Epistemology, Information Ontology, informational approaches to Philosophy of Science
  • Informational approaches in the sciences:
    – Physical sciences (such as Quantum Information, Molecular Recognition);
    – Life Sciences (Bioinformation, Biosemiotics, Cognitive Sciences)
    – Social and Human Sciences (Psychology, Mind-Brain-Research, Consciousness Studies)
  • Informational approaches in the following fields:
    – Interaction of individuals, (Communication Studies, Linguistics)
    – Integration with society (Collective Intelligence, Global Brain Research, Semiotics,
    – Knowledge Management, Information Society, Internet Research, New Media Studies, Media Theory)
  • Applied information studies within:
    – Engineering sciences (such as Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning, Robotics)
    – Applied sciences (such as Informatics, Bioinformatics, Information and Communication Technologies,
    Library and Documentation Science), and more.


The overall purpose of The International Society for Information Studies is to turn Information Studies into a field in its own right, through co-operations and networking. It works on creating and maintaining the community as a network of networks of scholars within the field.

The International Society for Information Studies works on the:

  • Establishing and maintaining networks of researchers and research institutions as well as knowledge transfer in the promotion of science of information, information scholarship, information technology and information society
  • Facilitating the exchange between informational disciplines concerning different and complementary tasks, objects of study, and methodologies
  • Helping, based upon insights into information, to promote understanding and critical study of technological and social innovations that bring about a more humane society
  • Enabling, as catalyser projects that advance knowledge about information generation and utilisation
  • Archiving information about the activities of the organisation.



Each biannual meeting of the International Society for Information Studies addresses a specific topic as we orient focus of communities networked under the umbrella of the society towards a common theme, discussing and exchanging thoughts across disciplinary borders. The previous meeting in Vienna in 2015 went under the motto Information Society at the crossroads, while in 2013, in Moscow, the topic was Perspectives of Information in Global Education as a new Approach for the 21st century.

In August 2010, the Fourth International Conference on the Information Science took place in Beijing. It was organized by the Social Information Science Institute (SISI) at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, and sponsored by theTechnical Committee on Artificial Intelligence Theory (TCAIT) of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI). It was the first-ever scientific conference held under the motto Towards a New Science of Information”.  At that occasion, variety of loosely bound associations of research communities founded officially the International Society for Information Studies.

At the conference a committee was established to prepare the founding of an International Society for Information Studies that shall advance global and collaborative studies in the sciences of information, information technology and information society as a field in its own right, elaborate common conceptual frameworks and implement them in practice so as to contribute to mastering the challenges of the information age, and hold conferences in the field every two years. On June 24th, 2011, the International Society for Information Studies was registered in Vienna as association.

However, history of associations between different communities and individual scholars within information studies is much older than that. Foundations of Information Science, one of our core communities, held its first conference in Madrid, Spain, as early as July 11-15, 1994 – thus more than 20 years ago. This community is still going strong, presenting one of the characteristic constants that in different constellations re-appear year after year. Science of information institute SOII was part of the development of the community. Among the most active communities is BITrumengaged with the project of a Glossary. The interdisciplinary research group constituted in November 7th 2008 on the occasion of the First International Meeting of Experts in Information Theory held in León, Spain, is nowadays composed by more than 60 members.

The stage for the Gothenburg summit is set by the theme of Digitalisation for sustainable society, in light of information, computation and cognition. As our previous meetings, the summit 2017 reflects the moment we live in – a nascent movement of digitalization that has started to radically change our society, globally, in literally all its aspects. It is based on the computing technology (in all its forms, digital and analog, that all now go under the name “digital”), which in its turn is based on information and data processing, which all goes back to cognition and intelligence of a cognizing agent in order to acquire meaning.

In the information age concept of information appears in virtually all fields of study and practice. Therefore IS4SI also aims to support fields that use results of information studies for their specific applications, through the dissemination of research results across the disciplinary borders of variety of communities in the mutual process of learning between the theory and the communities of practice.

In this way IS4SI wants to enable the integration of the field and orient it towards the future, both based on technology and on the critical assessment on its social aspects.







FIS – Foundations of Informational Science network

Unified Theory of Information (UTI) Research Group – Association for the Advancement of Information Sciences

SIG Emergent Systems, Information and Society, supported by the:
Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin,
Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science Wien,
Institut für Design Science München

China Chapter meeting in 2016